Dragoy1 and Wiesboy – even sounding like the perfect match, the Moscow based design duo behind those names is the creator of numerous futuristic and visionary projects, among them their collaboration for the Adidas Ozweego Generation Party and their bags for an advertising campaign merch of Rocket Bank, Russia. Their account fuckyou.design ushers into a new design era – a mixture of the real world and 3d graphics, full of fantasies, sience fiction and internet trash. By breaking rules and creating new forms and communication, they move towards a “new generation, free, bolder and more successfull.” We talked with the duo about their past and upcoming collaborations, their overall philosophy and their paths to becoming designers.

Introduce yourself to our readers: Who are you?
Yo, we’re from Moscow, Russia. We are engaged in creating experimental digital installations with design, interfaces, graphics, 3D and sound.
How have you met each other?
As it happens we both work for the same company. We met about four months ago.
Can you describe your design style?
We don’t get attached to any particular styles. We are trying to experiment and do what we want. This happens so quickly, that we do not have any time to call the styles.
In which way do your design styles enhance each other?
Again, rather than styles, it’s about skills and background. Dragoy is good in the entire game of graphics and I love working with typography and interfaces.

How has Moscow shaped you creative output?
The environment is one of the main things that gives you a sense of taste. But that happened during our childhood and adolescence, when our personalities were still being formed. Now we create the environment ourselves.
Where does your fascination for graphic design, motion design and 3D come from?
It began in our childhoods, with video games. It’s art and movement and style and interfaces and sound. At the time, it seemed like some kind of magic.
Where do you get you inspiration from?
From the tings we grew up with: clips from the 90s with 3D graphics, video games, LEGO, packaging from gum and most importantly – the INTERNET.
„A new era of #design“: Can you tell us more about the philosophy behind your account fuckyou.design?
It’s mixing old stuff with new experience, it’s like moving on to a new generation, free, bolder and more successful. This is a deliberate crossing out of old rules to create new forms of communication

What are the first steps in your design projects?
With associations, with references, with new receptions, which we wanted to try out for a long time, the skeleton of the final product is pieced together step by step. We never know in the beginning what will be the result, we roughly plan our way and it can change 50 times during the production. But in the end it always comes out how we wanted and felt from the very beginning of the project.
What do you appreciate most about each other while working together?
We can produce 2 times more and 2 times better in the same amount of time.
We’ve seen that you have worked on a digital installation for the Adidas Ozweego Generation Party. Can you tell us more about it?
We made two videos, one is a tracker for AR. When you point the camera of your phone at it, you could play our second video. The person occurred at a closed, grand plant with pipes. The gist of the video was that he moves through the tunnel via these industrial things in the city and the stem next to Olympus is made of sneakers.
What is the story behind your project for bag.rocketbank.ru?
This is our first joint project. We did it as part of an advertising campaign merch one of the Russian youth banks. In Russia, banks have long turned from financial institutions to “fashionable” IT projects.

Which of your projects is most important to you personally?
We like each of our projects. If we wouldn’t like it we just don’t release it.
How do you understand collaborations?
Everything we do together is considered a collaboration.
Do you have someone in mind with whom you would like to start a collaboration?
Aphex Twin, Amnesia scanner, KAWS, Nike, Vetements
How important is it for you to collaborate with other designers?
It is very important for us because it allows you to brainstorming together and do unreal things, that you wouldn’t come up with all by yourself.
Any collaborative projects in mind which you find inspiring?
fuckyou.design in the future?
Perhaps the studio will work on print magazines – and perhaps even chips.

Wladimir Wies