Typography is often looked on as a technical tool, the primary focus laying on functionality and readability. For graphic designer Leonhard Laupichler there is a whole different level to typography which finds expression in the visualization of emotions. His project “NEW AESTHETIC” deals with this hidden impact and power of type and his artistic value: “The book mainly focusses on feelings. Just like the first impression I get when meeting a Person: The impression a typefaces leaves when I look at it for the first time matters and the word it spells seems like a rather secondary information.” The book can be seen as a curation of contemporary and independent type design and pictures a moment of ever changing trends in modern type design. Even if the presented typefaces like Kazuhiro Aihara’s “Sword” or Nolan Paparelli’s “Everett” could not be more different to each other, they all have something in common: “An expressive and strong character is what unites all typefaces.”

The first part of the book shows typographic posters which were created by every type designer to display their typeface in their own unique way. Each poster is supported by a page that gives short and basic information on the type designer and his typeface, such as a hint to the character index at the end of the book, where the full character set of each typeface can be seen. “My intention with this book was first and foremost to create a source of inspiration that addresses the reader in an emotional way, communicating feelings and impressions. I aim to remove type design from the usual fast paced context of websites and social media in order to create a new space in print to make them come alive. This creates a totally different experience when getting to know typography. The fact that I show typefaces in a book without any digital context helps to take more time to appreciate each font. Enough time to create a feeling. I can now sit down, open the book and get inspired at my own pace, no digital content flood distracting me. All in all I was able to collect 98 typefaces on 300 pages.”

Leonhard’s fascination for typography arose during his studies at the university in Münster, Germany, where he finished his studies recently. “I’d say it comes from the interest to explore the origin of aesthetics and perception. To go deeper and deeper, everything is ultimately based on simple geometric forms. Typography is about communication through forms, this process can be very factually, but also emotionally, almost figuratively.” At the moment he is working on a few project he started at university. His design style could be described as “minimalist-expressive”: “Minimalist in the sense of consequently sticking to the essentials: I don’t want distractions, or anything besides the core information. My approach is to simply built a concept, make it logical and stick to it. I like efficiency. In my projects I always aim to generate the maximum out of the most basic information. I found that oftentimes a two step system applies: First you require one simple element in order to create a strong visual you can easily recognize. Then you can make this element maximally expressive and load it up with emotion.” His work being usually 2D-based, he acts up the principle that 3D is simply an extension of a design in order to align it to another medium.

Collaborations are generally a very important part of Leonhard’s design process. “During my studies I learned more from other design students than from most professors. Exchange, networking and collaborative projects among designers are very important. In the process one pushes each other’s potential and helps bring out the best in everyone. I’m always open to new projects, just write me a message.”

Uniting the work of over hundred designers from all over the world, was a very important aspect of “NEW AESTHETIC”: „It is impossible to produce such a large amount of qualitative and diverse content yourself. I just wanted to create the framework by allowing all participants to move as freely as possible. It was very inspiring to see how everyone deals with the same task in very different ways. Without a collaboration this would not have been possible, only a type designer can speak for her/his own typeface in an authentic way, so the necessity to collaborate was it already determined by the topic I chose.” While his focus laid primarily on the presentation of the other typefaces and their diversity, it was important to Leonhard to be a part of the project by contributing his own typefaces “Arachne” and “Nullzehn”. At the moment, Leonhard is in contact with different publishers and plans on organizing more exhibitions where all the typographic posters will be shown on large format prints. If the project continues to be successfull (and we are sure it will be!), he is interested in working on a second edition in the future.
We can not wait to hold it in our hands.
All participants in “New Aesthetic”:
Kazuhiro Aihara, Lukas Altmann, Mathilde André, Moritz Appich, Massimiliano, Audretsch, Sara Bastai, Sascha Bente, Paul Bergès, Baptiste Bernazeau, Fabio Biesel, Stefano Bona, Sophia Brinkgerd, Benoît Canaud, Tomas Clarkson, Lucas Descroix, Marie Ducrocq, Jules Durand, Sylvain Esposito, Hans Findling, Virgile Flores, Fabio Florez, Fabian Fohrer, Basile Fournier, Léa Fournier, Valentin Garcia, Victor Gérard, Raoul Gottschling, Gunnar Harrison, Laura Hilbert, Tobias Holzmann, Tobias Hönow, Christian Horrer, Jose Houdini, Bruno Jacoby, Erkin Karamemet, Nizar Kazan, Samara Keller, Peter Korsman, Calvin Kwok, Raphaël de La Morinerie, Leonhard Laupichler, Pauline Le Pape, Tien-Min Liao, Thomas Maier, Fabian Maier-Bode, Lena Manger, Emma Marichal, Luca Marsano, Frida Medrano, Adrien Midzic, Yoon Mingoo, Kevin Moll, Mario Naegele, Malin Neamtzu, Sepus Noordmans, Andree Paat, Nolan Paparelli, Luca Pellegrini, Loris Pernoux, Laurent Perteuil, Lisa Petersen, Daria Petrova, Maciej Połczyński, Tatjana Pöschke, Martin Pšyný, Robert Radziejewski, Isabella Ramos Menzel, Kirill Ratman, Rafael Ribas, Javier Rodriguez, Charlotte Rohde, Armin Roth, Erik Sachse, Janik Sandbothe, Johannes Schauderna, Elena Schneider, Bilal Sebei, Tommi Sharp, Daniel Stuhlpfarrer, Aimur Takk, Kia Tasbihgou, Teo Tuominen, Kai Udema, Alex Valentina, Matthieu Visentin, Emilie Vizcano, Stefanie Vogl, Lena Karoline Weber, Tor Weibull, Franziska Weitgruber, Nikolas Wrobel, Heejae Yang, Isia Yurovsky, Timur Zima, Viktor Zumegen